The Hope for the Marginalized in South Sudan

Organizational History

Titi foundation is a national non-governmental organization (NNGO) formed by a group of south Sudanese professionals, from varied educational background and experiences. TITI is an abbreviation of “Together in Transformational Initiatives”- promoting progress, peace and prosperity. The organization is registered (with the south Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SSRRC), registration number 519 under chapter 3, section 10 of the 2013 south Sudan NGO Act. TITI Foundation has strong financial system and experienced staff from the management to the field teams with effective policy on compliance and governance that have been tried and tested. Based on the knowledge of the local context and circumstances, Titi Foundation as a women led organization has muscled its experience in implementing humanitarian and development work in fragile and complex environments that address the multiple challenges to growth in the region, for Women’s Economic Empowerment, Education and Market Development

The Organization Charter

Titi Foundation was registered based on its legal constitution approved by the Board Members as its charter in Uganda and South Sudan. It outlines the Memorandums of Understanding and the Articles of Association guiding its vision, mission, objectives for operations and governance procedures.

Our Vision

A Continent free of discrimination, poverty and marginalization

Our Mission

Empower conflict affected, oppressed and marginalized communities to lead their own transformational initiative processes and attain quality life, sustainable peace and prosperity in the communities where they live

We Value

Fair & honest in all our dealings. Take responsibility for our actions.

We maintain a high level of knowledge, skills, and standards as we provide services to clients.
We maintain confidentiality whilst upholding the highest quality standards of service.

We always work to find sustainable solutions in a changing environment through creativity and innovations

Policies & procedures are clearly defined, well-communicated, and applied equally to all.
Titi Foundation
Make adequate disclosure of organizational information.

We seek to dignify every person regardless of race, gender, creed, economic or health status, and age.
We treat people equally and also seek to understand people’s differences and points of view without compromising our core mission.

We contribute fully to the activities of the team to address shared challenges through common effort.

Business Goals and Objectives

Titi Foundation seeks to alleviate poverty in South Sudan, improve the health outcomes of her people, promote justice, and reduce the suffering of the marginalized in the community.

a. Organizational strategy
The general strategy of the organization is to embrace a community-participatory approach in handling, Food Security and Livelihood, Education, Climate change, SNFI, WASH, Child protection, Sexual Gender-Based Violence, HLP, Health-related challenges (Nutrition, HIV, and TB awareness), Conflict & peace building.

b. Economic intent
Titi Foundation is a non-profit making organization that has invested in people and translating their suffering into empowerment.

c. Geographic Locations and target Population
TiTi Foundation covers Central Equatoria states: Juba, Kajokeji, Terekeka, Lainya and Yei; Eastern Equatoria states: Torit, Magwi, and Nimule counties; Jonglei Counties: Bor South County, Pibor; Lakes States: Rumbek Center, Rumbek East, Wulu, Cuiebet and Rumbek North counties: Western Equatoria State: Yambio, Maridi and Mundri Counties, NBEG; Aweil Centre, Aweil East, Aweil South, Aweil North: Uppernile; Renk .