Titi foundation has been in the frontline to strengthen coordination including joint and
complementary needs analysis informing responses. Rapid needs assessments are carried out
following identification of areas of dire humanitarian needs using our data collection.
The Foundation has attained critical aspect of programing through conducting surveys, KIIs and
FGDs to ascertain the vital needs of IDPS and Returnees in its areas of intervention on a regular
and a timely updates on population mobility at official and non-official strategic point of transit.
The M&E component focuses on three broad areas:1) Strengthening of data management,
reporting and M&E capacity building of South Sudan NGO forum members, Partners and
Government at the State, County and Payam levels; 2) Full rollout of the Management
Information Systems (Which is work in progress) and 3) Implementation of the program
Learning Agenda.
This is implemented in addition to the routine project M&E activities to incorporate: 1) routine monitoring, evaluation & reporting; 2) Management information systems (MIS); 3) Learning, Knowledge Management & Operation research; and 4) Capacity building and communication.
Our M and E system serves as the key resource for monitoring and evaluating progress and ensuring that service delivery partners are delivering services that
address the unique needs of each beneficiary household and that fulfil the overall goal of the