To offer technical support to community structures and strengthen linkages to Ministry of
Agriculture, Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries, Cooperatives and Trade, private sector with a
strong focus on enhancing value chain addition, production and marketing of high value
nutritional and drought tolerant crops among vulnerable households.
We promote alternative farming techniques through capacity building of contact farmers and
farmers groups on conservation agriculture and value chain addition: provision of seeds and
tools, provision of seed grants for establishments of small scale businesses, entrepreneurship
training and establishing community food banks, gunny bags gardening and kitchen garden and
enhancing adoption of urban agriculture technologies to improve food security for the
vulnerable households.
Mechanization, Model Innovation Centers and Value chain addition programs are building the
industrial-centric initiatives within the community Titi Foundation is operating in as it
strengthen the youth and women employment.
Collaboration with the Cooperatives, partners, Micro Finance and financial Institutions will
continue in order to offer training to existing and newly created agricultural and marketing
cooperatives on financial literacy. The outcome is enhanced access to farm inputs, access to
credit and better marketing of produce. Collaboration with the key stakeholders will be
strengthened to build the capacity of the cooperatives in management, enterprise development
and marketing. Continued collaboration with MOA will result in training farmers groups in
post-harvest handling and will help linking producer’s organization to food storage and Market