TF has strengthened its initiatives that aims at improving the welfare and protection of Children
by increasing resilience and empowering community members through the caregivers and the
survivors. To ensure resilience, this has been done through strengthening households and
communities with knowledge, skills and services to reduce Human rights violation and
The target population are IDPs, Returnees, Refugees and the host community. The main
purpose of the program is to address compounding effects of converging factors such as risks
of family separation, recruitment, and use of children by armed forces and groups, psychosocial distress, sexual violence, neglect, abuse and exploitation and the COVID-19 outbreak
protracted situation, community displacements, flooding and ongoing conflict which
contributes and aggravates the prevalence of violence against children.
The approach TITI Foundation is using its family-centered approach; the family-centered
approach will be at the focal point targeting different levels: the child, the members of the
family, the community and the indigenous organizations and local governments that have the
responsibilities with regard to those Children, women rights and protection. The familycentered approach is also about comprehensive service delivery, i.e. a wide array of prevention,
treatment and other support services. The program has developed and tested a two-sided
approach to case management– one that emphasizes both communities- and facility-level
referrals together with household-level demand for services. The program envisions a case management approach that includes a ‘pull’ from service providers and a ‘push’ from
parents/guardians and community members as they seek out services for their children due to
a higher level of understanding of the benefits of each service.
The program works with key stakeholders to validate the strategy and adopt/adapt materials
from other programs e.g. SASA initiatives to facilitate training and implementation. The
program has always referenced the Inter-Agency Guidelines for case management and child
protection, national SOPs and cluster strategy.
The program strength is founded on child protection risks, preventing and responding to child
protection cases through; CFS programming, capacity building of frontline service providers
on CPiE, Case management including FTR services, Structured/non-structured PSS,
community Outreach and dialogues, and safe referrals. TITI Foundation conducts in and out of
school campaign/advocacy programs on CP, participate in the national and international
forums/events like the 16 days of activism, International OVC day, The day of the Africa child
and world aids day to ensure the children’s voices are advanced.