The children and women in South Sudan face all forms of violence due to the limitation of proper
laws that would bring to book the perpetrators of violence. South Sudan being a young state that
is battling with so many challenges of enforcing the rule of law and lack of proper sensitization
among the various sectors in the community and government on Gender-based Violence has
made the situation glaring hence the strength brought on board by TF to restore hope. Gender
equality is a human right—one that Titi Foundation advances through sexual and reproductive
health and rights (SRHR) programs.
Gender equality and SRHR reinforce one another: gender equal societies strengthen SRHR, and SRHR contributes to gender equality, particularly by
removing barriers to women and girls exercising agency in their lives.
Titi Foundations programs seek to transform harmful gender norms; reduce the impact of gender-based violence on SRHR; and, change the policies, structures, and systems that hold individuals of all genders back. In addition to our programs, our Gender Equity Initiative fosters gender equity internally across our organization.
Titi Foundation Case management has strongly been used to strengthen Social work-based case management in a collaborative process whereby a professional social worker assesses the needs of the client, and the client’s family when appropriate, and, together with the client, arranges/implement/provide, coordinates, monitors, evaluates, advocates and documents
a package of multiple services (i.e. available resources, options and services) to meet the specific
client’s needs.”
TF is instrumental in offering economic empowerment training to survivors of violence to be
self-reliance and access income-generating activities and Micro-businesses, to reduce financial
dependency that often causes sexual exploitation. Create awareness on sexual reproductive
health, providing information to young girls under the age of 35 in the use of contraception,
and spaces to ask questions. TF intends to have safe houses to provide temporary shelter for
Survivors of gender-based violence.